Davide Tarizzo teaches moral philosophy at the University of Salerno. He has written extensively on psychoanalysis (Freud, Lacan), French
theory, political theory, and biopolitics. His major publications include: Il desiderio dell’interpretazione:
Lacan e la questione dell’essere (1998) (English translation forthcoming with Bloomsbury); Introduzione a Lacan (2003); Il pensiero libero. La filosofia francese dopo lo
strutturalismo (2003); Giochi di potere. Sulla paranoia politica (2007); La vita, un’invenzione recente (2010) (English translation forthcoming with Minnesota UP).
He also curated the revised Italian edition of Freud’s Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego (2013). He is completing two new books. The first, entitled The Missing People. Freud, Lacan, and the Enigma of Modern Politics, focuses on psychoanalysis and
political theory. The second, provisionally entitled The Biopolitical Turn: Theory and Practice of Pure Life, aims at promoting a new approach to biopolitical studies.